Greg Reid joined one of our projects just as a decision had been made to begin an extensive process development effort to be followed by
scaling up to produce clinical materials. His involvement transformed the project and led to an outcome that surpassed even our most
optimistic forecasts. The existing process, which had been run on gram scale, required more than 15 steps starting from an existing API
with an overall yield of just under 1%. It involved several chromatographic purifications, and one of these required preparative HPLC.
Greg was in a leadership position at one of the prospective CROs we were considering for this work. During the two month period
required to review proposals, Greg envisioned an alternative starting material, ordered it and had the initial critical steps examined. The
new material worked extremely well, so we achieved a final yield in excess of 8%.
About one year later Greg left his position at this CRO and we asked him to continue as a consultant. He continued to contribute in many
ways to our project - some big (like the one described above) and some small (such as changing a solvent to simplify a work up). He has a
valuable skill to guild efforts to find efficient processing steps and effective purifications. He is good at identifying impurities and finding
ways to avoid, or minimize, their formation. In one case the unexpected formation of one impurity led Greg to propose that we modify
the conditions to intentionally form it exclusively, and use it as an intermediate in the process.
In addition to all the contributions he made to our project, I found Greg to be a very easy person to work with. He has an agreeable
communication style, keeps everyone informed, and anticipates concerns. I highly recommend Greg as a consultant to anyone
anticipating, or already in the process of, scaling a chemical process (especially if part or all of the work has been outsourced to a CMO).
You shouldn't be disappointed.
--Rob Hodge
Former Sr. Director Manufacturing, Kythera Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.