About Me
I earned my PhD in Organic Chemistry in1983 at the University of Wisconsin studying with
Edwin Vedejs. After two years of postdoctoral research with E. J. Corey at Harvard
University, I began my industrial career as a Scientist in Chemical Process R&D at the
Upjohn Company. In 1992 I joined Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) in Syracuse, NY as a
Department Head in Chemical Development.
In 1998 I co-founded American Advanced Organics (AAO), a CRO that established a
reputation for fast and reliable kilo lab synthesis. During its first two years, AAO completed
more than 90 custom synthesis projects. In 2000, AAO was acquired by Albany Molecular
Research (AMRI). I ultimately relocated to Albany and assumed responsibility for AMRI's
Chemical Development department.
In 2004 I joined Cambrex as Site Director at their Technical Centre where much of the
company's process R&D and kilo lab GMP synthesis was carried out. In late 2005 I accepted
a two-year faculty position at Union College and in 2007 I joined Sai Advantium Pharma as
Senior Vice President of Process and Scale Up, which included responsibility for Sai's large
scale manufacturing operations. In 2009 I accepted the position of Vice President of
Technology at PCI Synthesis in Massachusetts. In addition to responsibility for the
company's R&D and kilo scale GMP manufacturing, I also led the company's project
management efforts. I left PCI in 2012 to become a consultant to the pharmaceutical